Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Proud to be

Today was interesting.... as most of you know I do data entry all day for work. Which equals to hundreds of hours spent listening to the radio. As I was listening today the host of the show started talking solemnly about a coworker's son who passed away that day in Afghanistan while serving our country. He was 19. Sitting there, not even knowing this soldier or this woman, tears filled my eyes. This brave man died in combat, died fighting for the United States of America. I instantly began to think of relatives and friends that I have in the service, and how grateful I am for all those who currently serve and have served. Thank You.

I decided that we are going to put a flag up in our front yard. Hopefully this will be a small reminder for us of how lucky and blessed we are to live here and to have men and women giving their lives for it. I LOVE America and am proud to be an American.