Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Better late than never

A year ago last week I was sealed to this stud muffin......

....and man am I glad I was

I know that one year doesn't seem like a big accomplishment but this year has contained some of the most joyful and sorrowful moments that Josh and I have ever experienced.I am so grateful for the Temple and the covenants that we have made there that puts everything into perspective. And to spare you the mushiness of an anniversary post I will simply say that I am more grateful for Josh than a year ago, and I love him more than a year ago.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moving Moving Moving

Yep it's 11 o'clock on a Sunday night and all I can think about is moving. Josh and I are moving! Just 2 miles up the street but our apartment is going to have another bedroom and bathroom and OBVI more square footage which is just plain awesome. We have liked this apartment we are currently at but it's time for us to move. Did I mention our new place has an alarm system slash a fireplace slash a laundry room.....awwww I keep daydreaming about it, November 20th get here already.
Oh and PS after we move we are going to....... drumroll
the beautiful breathtaking better-be-covered-in-snow
Colorado for Thanksgiving.
I love NOVEMBER!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Colorado in all it's awesomeness

CAUTION picture OVERLOAD!!!!!!!Every couple of years the Burtons go to Colorado for their family reunion. Josh and I could not get a whole week off of escuela and work so went from June 30th to July 4th. It was the perfect vacation, and made me grow to love the amazing family I married into even more. We played tons of card games, airsoft, got caught in a rain/hail storm, rode quads, read books and just enjoyed nature.
First---We stayed in this cabin between Durango and Silverton.

it was way fun playing pool(yep I suck)....and ping pong (suck even more)...and all the AIR SOFT WARS ( I pretty much hate violence in all its forms with the exception of air soft wars simply put they are A.MAZ.ING )

Then---We went on hikes

Everyone knows I hate hate hate's Josh proving that opposites do attract

Shanon trying to find reception haha

Naturally---Cute little cousins
Little Miss Kylie

Kaiden, Mazie, and Steven

And of course---spending time with Josh

Poor Josh got hit in the tooth with an airsoft bullet, which totally knocked it loose. He's such a trooper, he went to the dentist on Thursday and had to put in a bridge in order to fix it. He's hardcore.

It was such a great trip from begining to end. It was my first time to Colorado ever and I am soooo glad that we went. The food was excellent,family was a blast, the weather was perfect, luckily we were blessed with no car troubles, and heck I even liked having all the dogs around. Thank you Burton family for everything.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Life.....mine is crazy(and I am sure that I am the ONLY person on the face of the planet that feels that way). It's filled with work( 2 jobs + not enough hours in a day= hysteria), keeping our home somewhat livable, family outings,church,school, trying to stay in touch with friends, and other obligations. While most of these things are great and bring me joy in many different ways there is one thing that I have been ESPECIALLY grateful for lately.

Josh he's pretty much the best thing since chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I am not gonna make this post about how awesome he is or the things that he does, every relationship is different that's what makes every couple unique. I am just glad that he is in MY life making everyday better.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My ode to Deleon

In about two days one of my BFFs is leaving for her mission!!! Although I am SO EXCITED for because she will be an outstanding missionary, I'm also just a wee bit sad to see her to make it short we love you Erica your gonna do great and I can't wait to see you in 18 months!!!!!!!!!

Catching up with Jomanda

We've decided to start a blog because.... we wanted to keep updated with friends who are out doing other things, as well as allow others to keep up with us if they so choose. It seems that facebook just isn't our style of communication; too much advertising and too many groups and causes. This seems to be the better option for keeping in touch.
So, here's a little history about us..... As mentioned in our profile information, we met in early December 2008 via one of Josh's mission companions Elder Gray. Though the story goes that Josh had to break down some huge walls via washing dishes with Amanda, and playing Toss & Catch( a game where we see how high we could throw grapes or cherry tomatoes and catch them in our mouths) we started dating on (Amanda reminds me) February 1st of 2009. Regular dating commenced and by June, Josh had purchased a ring. It wasn't until August 1st( again Amanda reminds me) that Josh finally had conquered the task of asking Dennis's permission and made the "one-knee-plea".
The next four months were a happy/rough/loooong wait but finally, on Dec. 19th we walked into those temple doors 2 single people and walked out 1 married couple. It has been the highlight of both of our lives.
We've been married almost 4 months now...and what a trip. It's been a lot of fun and hey, what's not to like right? We're both really busy with both of us working 2 jobs each and trying to get some school done in there as well. We will keep you updated on the specifics.